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Dieses Thema hat 20 Antworten
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Tante Emma ( Gast )
Beiträge: 1.601

17.05.2008 16:07
Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

Damit das Gefrage und Gesuche nach Befehlen und Variablen ein Ende hat, hier ein Nachschlagewerk mit allen Befehlen und Variablen.
Bedenkt, das das ausführen einiger Befehle/Variablen auf Server zum Kick/Bann führen kann!
Das blaue ist die freie Übersetzung von mir.
Hier kann man sich auch die komplette Liste downloaden.
Da hier warscheinlich immer wieder mal reingeschaut wird, mache ich diesen Topic zum Sticky, damit er immer oben bleibt.

Command / Variable NameCategory (Kategorie)Description (Beschreibung)
+attackActionprimary fire ("Hauptfeuer", Taste mit der im Spiel geschossen werden soll. Standard ist das die linke Mousetaste)
+attack2Actionsecondary fire - special action (zoom, burst fire, silencer) ("Nebenfeuer", Spezial Aktionen wie z.B. Burst Modus, Schalldämpfer etc. Standard ist das die rechte Mousetaste))
+backActionmove backwards (Rückwärts laufen)
+duckActioncrouches (ducken im Spiel)
+forwardActionmoves forward (vorwärts laufen)
+jumpActionjumps (springen)
+klookActionenables the keyboard to look around(ermöglicht es, sich statt der Mouse mit der Tastatur, im Spiel "herumzuschauen")
+leftActionstrafes left (links)
+lookdownActionlooks down (nach unten schauen)
+lookupActionlooks up (nach oben schauen)
+mlookActionenables mouse to look around (einschalten des "Mouseblickes")
+movedownActionmoves player down - *climbing down a ladder, swimming down(bewegt Spieler nach unten, beim klettern auf Leitern, beim schwimmen etc.)
+moveleftActionstrafes left (Nach rechts bewegen)
+moverightActionstrafes right (Nach links bewegen)
+moveupActionmoves player up - *climbing up a ladder, swimming up(bewegt Spieler nach oben, beim klettern auf Leitern, beim schwimmen etc.)
+reloadActionreloads current weapon (nachladen der Waffe, die man in der Hand hat)
+rightActionstrafes right (nach rechts ausweichen)
+speedActionforces player to walk if 'always run' is enabled (Spieler kann langsam gehen (schleichen), wenn „immer gelaufen“ ermöglicht wird)
+strafeActionstrafe modifier - while this is held down, use direction keys to strafe(Feuermodifizierfaktor )
+useActionuses an item - such as a defuser, c4 (Bnutzen von Gegenständen, Waffen)
+zoomActionZooms weapon (if available) (Herranzoomen bei Sniperwaffen)
cl_autowepswitchActionAutomatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful) - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' (automatisches aufnehmen und benutzen von Waffen im Spiel ein oder auschalten)
chooseteamActionChoose a new team (neues Team wählen)
dropActionDrops current weapon (Waffe, die man in der Hand hat, wegschmeißen)
force_centerviewActionforces the player's view to look straight ahead(zwingt die Ansicht des Spielers, um gerade zu schauen)
impulse 100Actionenables flashlight (Taschenlampe einschalten)
impulse 201Actionsprays logo decal (Spraylogoeinstellung)
hud_fastswitch 0Actiontoggles fast weapon switching - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off' (schnelle Umschaltung der Waffen einschalten)
jointeamAction0=Autojoin, 1=Spectator, 2=Terrorist, 3=CT (Autojoin für Teams oder Zuschauer)
killActionplayer suicides to respawn again (Bei Eingabe in der Konsole stirbt der Spieler sofort)
useActionUse a particular weapon  Arguments: <weapon_name> (Benutzen von bestimmten Waffen)

Tante Emma ( Gast )
Beiträge: 1.601

17.05.2008 16:14
#2 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

Command / Variable NameCategoryDescription
autobuyBuyBuys a predetermined set of weapons and equipment, setup in autobuy.txt
rebuyBuyBuys all the equipment that you had when the last snapshot of your equipm
buyammo1BuyThis buys one primary magazine or clip
buyammo2BuyThis buys one pistol clip
buyequipBuyShow equipment buy menu
buymenuBuyShow main buy menu
aliasConsoleAlias a command
bindConsoleBind a key to a command or set of commands (bind <cmd>)
BindToggleConsoleCreates a "bind toggle" for specific commands (Ex. BindToggle "key" "command")
con_enable 1ConsoleAllows the console to be activated
con_notifytime 8ConsoleHow long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window
contimesConsoleNumber of console lines to overlay for debugging.
clearConsoleclears the console screen
cvarlistConsoleShow the list of convars/concommands.
developer 0Consoletoggles on/off developer debug console messages - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
differencesConsoleShow all convars which are not at their default values.
echoConsoleechos text to the console
execConsoleexecutes a script of .cfg file
exitConsoleexit game engine without confirmation
findConsoleFind concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.
helpConsoleFind help about a convar/concommand.
hideconsoleConsoleHide the console.
incrementvarConsoleIncrement specified convar value.
key_findbindingConsoleFind key bound to specified command string.
key_listboundkeysConsoleList bound keys with bindings.
key_updatelayoutConsoleUpdates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting.
mem_dumpConsoledump memory stats.
quitConsoleExit the engine.
statusConsoleDisplay map and connection status.
stuffcmdsConsoleParses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer. In your valve.rc file
toggleconsoleConsoleShow/hide the console.
unbindConsoleUnbind a key
unbindallConsoleUnbind all keys
waitConsoleStop command parsing until next frame

Tante Emma ( Gast )
Beiträge: 1.601

17.05.2008 16:15
#3 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

Command / Variable Name
cl_autohelpHUD/OnscreenEnable/Disable Autohelp
cl_c4progressbarHUD/OnscreenDraw progress bar when defusing the C4
cl_righthandHUD/OnscreenUse right-handed view models.
cl_showfpsHUD/OnscreenDraw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps)
cl_showtextmsgHUD/OnscreenEnable/disable text messages printing on the screen
gameui_hideHUD/OnscreenHides/closes GUI menu
hud_centerid 0HUD/OnscreenToggles player ID display - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
hud_deathnotice_time      HUD/OnscreenSets how long death messages remain onscreen
hud_drawhistory_time HUD/OnscreenSets how long messages remain onscreen
hud_saytext_time 5HUD/OnscreenSets how long chat messages remain onscreen
hud_showtargetidHUD/OnscreenShows target ID at cursor
messagemodeHUD/OnscreenDisplay player message globally (to all)
messagemode2HUD/OnscreenDisplay player message to team
nameHUD/OnscreenView or change a player's name
radio1HUD/OnscreenThis opens up Radio1 Menu
radio2HUD/OnscreenThis opens up Radio2 Menu
radio3HUD/OnscreenThis opens up Radio3 Menu
revertHUD/OnscreenRevert convars to their default values
scr_centertime 2HUD/OnscreenSets how long server messages remain on the screen
sayHUD/OnscreenDisplay player message globally (to all)
say_teamHUD/OnscreenDisplay player message to team
timeleftHUD/OnscreenDisplays the amount ouf time remaining in the round
cl_crosshairalphaHUD/CrosshairUse to change crosshair alpha, must have cl_crosshairusealpha set to "1"
cl_crosshaircolor      HUD/Crosshair0=Green, 1=Red, 2=Blue, 3=Yellow, 4=Light Blue
cl_crosshairscaleHUD/CrosshairUse to change crosshair scale, must have cl_scalecrosshair set to "1"
cl_crosshairusealpha HUD/CrosshairEnable or disable the use of crosshair alpha
cl_dynamiccrosshairHUD/CrosshairEnable or disable the use of dynamic crosshair, on will make crosshair shrink when you duck for better accuracy
cl_observercrosshairHUD/CrosshairEnable or disable the use of the Observer crosshair (1= On, 0=Off)
cl_scalecrosshair      HUD/CrosshairEnable or disable the use of crosshair scale
crosshairHUD/CrosshairEnable or disable the use of crosshair (1= On, 0=Off)
cl_radaralphaHUD/RadarUse to change radar alpha, must have cl_radartype set to "1"
cl_radartypeHUD/Radar0=Transparent Radar, 1=Solid radar with options to change alpha using cl_radaralpha
drawradarHUD/RadarDraws HUD radar
hideradarHUD/RadarHides HUD radar

Tante Emma ( Gast )
Beiträge: 1.601

17.05.2008 16:16
#4 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

Command / Variable Name
cancelselectMenuCancels current selection
escapeMenuEscape key pressed
invnextMenuselects next item in inventory
invprevMenuselects previous item in inventory
lastinvMenuselects previous item in inventory
menuselectMenuSelects item in that slot (0-9)
slot0Menuselect weapon group 0 (or menu item 0) see 'use' or cancels selection
slot1Menuselect weapon group 1 (or menu item 1) see 'use'
slot2Menuselect weapon group 2 (or menu item 2) see 'use'
slot3Menuselect weapon group 3 (or menu item 3) see 'use'
slot4Menuselect weapon group 4 (or menu item 4) see 'use'
slot5Menuselect weapon group 5 (or menu item 5) see 'use'
slot6Menuselect weapon group 6 (or menu item 6) see 'use'
slot7Menuselect weapon group 7 (or menu item 7) see 'use'
slot8Menuselect weapon group 8 (or menu item 8) see 'use'
slot9Menuselect weapon group 9 (or menu item 9) see 'use'
slot10Menuselect weapon group 10 (or menu item 10) see 'use' or cancels selection
m_filterMouseMouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames)
m_forwardMousesets the mouse forward speed sensitivity multiplier
m_pitch Mousesets the mouse pitch (up and down motion) speed sensitivity multiplier - * negative numbers result in an inverted mouselook
m_sideMousesets the mouse strafing speed sensitivity multiplier
m_yawMousesets the yaw speed sensitivity multiplier
sensitivityMouseAdjusts the Mouse sensitivity
zoom_sensitivity_ratioMouseAdditional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in
+graphNetworkDraw the network usage graph
cl_allowdownloadNetworktoggles download of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_allowuploadNetworktoggles upload of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is 'on', 0 is 'off'
cl_cmdbackupNetworkFor each command packet, how many additional history commands are sent (helps in case of packet loss)
cl_cmdrateNetworkMax number of command packets sent to server per second
cl_interpNetworkTurns on or off whether you will interpolate object positions starting this many seconds in past
cl_interpolateNetworkInterpolate entities on the client
cl_lagcomp_errorcheckNetworkPlayer index of other player to check for position errors
cl_rateNetworkSets the max bytes/sec the host can send data (Upload)
cl_updaterateNetworkNumber of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server
connectNetworkConnects to server (connect <IP>)
disconnectNetworkDisconnect game from server
net_channelsNetworkShows net channel info, a great way to determine your optimal cmdrate and updaterate settings
net_graphNetworkDraw the network usage graph
net_graphheightNetworkSets the net_graph height
net_graphposNetworkSets the net_graph position onscreen (1=right, 2=center, 0 or 3=left)
net_maxfragmentsNetworkMax fragment bytes per packet (Ex. 1280)
net_scaleNetworkSets the net_graph scale, larger number creates larger visual graph
rateNetworkSets the max bytes/sec the host can receive data (download)
pingNetworkDisplay ping to server
retryNetworkRetry connection to last server
+scoreScoresToggles score panel
+showscoresScoresToggles score panel
togglescoresScoresToggles score panel

Tante Emma ( Gast )
Beiträge: 1.601

17.05.2008 16:17
#5 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

Command / Variable Name
jpegScreenshotTakes a jpeg screenshot:  jpeg <filename> <quality 1-100>
jpeg_qualityScreenshotSets jpeg screenshot quality (1 is lowest quality, 100 is highest quality) Default = 90
screenshotScreenshotTake a screenshot
+voicerecordSounds/VoiceRecords input from voice input device (microphone)
bgmvolumeSounds/VoiceCD sound playback volume
cdSounds/VoicePlay or stop a cd track
cl_customsoundsSounds/VoiceEnable customized player sound playback
playSounds/VoicePlay a sound
soundscape_fadetimeSounds/VoiceTime to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes
soundscape_flushSounds/VoiceFlushes the server & client side soundscapes
stopsoundscapeSounds/VoiceStops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds
voice_enableSounds/VoiceTurns Voice on / off
voice_overdrive       Sounds/VoiceVoice Chat to Game volume ratio
voice_scale                         Sounds/VoiceVoice Chat volume
volume Sounds/VoiceSound volume
cl_smoothVideoTurns Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors on and off (0 and 1) 
cl_smoothtimeVideoSmooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds (0.01 - 2.0) 
fog_enableVideoCan turn fog on or off. 
fps_maxVideoFrame rate limiter (Best to use the max Hz of your monitor)
mat_antialiasVideoAntialias setting
mat_bumpmapVideoBumpmap Setting
mp_decalsVideoSets the maximum number of decals
mat_dxlevelVideoThe DirectX Level.  Default is optimal, but you can adjust manually here
mat_fastspecularVideoEnable/Disable specularity for visual testing.  Will not reload materials and will not affect perf.
mat_forceansioVideoAnsio Setting
mat_monitorgammaVideoAdjusts monitor gamma (typically 2.2 for CRT and 1.7 for LCD).  Try 2.0 for a CRT
mat_specularVideoEnable/Disable specularity for perf testing.  Will cause a material reload upon change.
mat_vsyncVideoForce sync to vertical retrace / V-sync
r_decalsVideoSets the maximum number of decals
r_propsmaxdistVideoMaximum visible distance of props (boxes, etc)
r_rainalphaVideoChanges rain alpha values (0=Off, higher number makes darker rain)
r_RainSimulateVideoEnable/disable rain simulation (0=Off, 1=On)
r_shadowsVideoEnable shadows
r_WaterDrawReflectionVideoEnable water reflection
r_WaterDrawRefractionVideoEnable water refraction
benchframeDemoTakes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo
cl_demoviewoverrideDemoOverride view during demo playback
demo_debugDemoDemo debug info
demo_fastforwardfinalspeed DemoGo this fast when starting to hold FF button
demo_fastforwardramptime  DemoHow many seconds it takes to get to full FF speed
demo_fastforwardstartspeed DemoGo this fast when starting to hold FF button.
demo_interpolateview            DemoDo view interpolation during dem playback
demo_pauseatservertick       DemoPauses demo playback at server tick
demo_quitafterplayback       DemoQuits game after demo playback
demo_recordcommands   DemoRecord commands typed at console into .dem files
demogototickDemoSkips to a tick in demo
demolistDemoPrint demo sequence list
demopauseDemoPauses demo playback
demoresumeDemoResumes demo playback
demosDemoDemo demo file sequence
demotimescaleDemoSets demo replay speed
demotogglepauseDemoToggles demo playback
demouiDemoShow/hide the demo player UI
listdemoDemoList demo file contents
nextdemoDemoPlay next demo in sequence
playdemoDemoPlay a recorded demo file (.dem )
recordDemobegins to record a demo and saves it as a .dem file
startdemosDemoPlay demos in demo sequence
stopDemoFinish recording demo
stopdemoDemoStop playing back a demo
timedemoDemoPlay a demo at max fps and report performance info and average fps
timedemoquitDemoPlay a demo, report performance info, and then exit
endmovieMovieStop recording movie frames
startmovieMovieStart recording movie frames

Tante Emma ( Gast )
Beiträge: 1.601

17.05.2008 16:17
#6 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten
Puh, fertig...
Hat nicht alles in ein Posting reingepasst. Musste das splitten.

RofL Offline

Clan Member

Beiträge: 69

17.05.2008 18:35
#7 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten
hehe, thx eMMa =)

ps: wo hasten das abkopiert??^^ un dann auch noch Englisch

aber nice von dir die mühe zu machen :P
Tante Emma ( Gast )
Beiträge: 1.601

17.05.2008 20:21
#8 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten
Hab mir das aus dem Web zusammen gesucht und in Tabellen geknallt.
Zeitaufwand insgesamt um die 4h ;-(

RofL Offline

Clan Member

Beiträge: 69

18.05.2008 10:56
#9 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

Na da wären doch noch 2 h für ne Übersetztung drinne gewesen meinste nich?? nene Späßchen^^
wenn wir dich nich hätten tante =)

QueenAlpha Offline

Clan Member

Beiträge: 65

18.05.2008 17:34
#10 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

Hallöle Tantchen

das is echt schon nice... ein paar Befehle kenn ich ja schon, aber der Rest

aber thx für dir Mühe

Hussi_Thp Offline

Management - Warorga

Beiträge: 408

18.05.2008 17:37
#11 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

hmmm aber mit englisch 5 komm ich ehh nich weiter hier aber naja ich schau mal obs das och of deutsch gibt! Offline


Beiträge: 100

18.05.2008 17:40
#12 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

jo thx tante hat mir auch schon weitergeholfen hat zwar ein wenig gedauert bis ich das gefunden hatte was ich brauchte aba es hat geklappt

Tante Emma ( Gast )
Beiträge: 1.601

18.05.2008 17:41
#13 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

Wenn ich mal dafür Zeit habe (...), schreibe ich die Übersetzungen dahinter.

RofL Offline

Clan Member

Beiträge: 69

18.05.2008 17:50
#14 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

Mir wärs lieber, das du wenn du mal zeit hast ne runde mitzockst^^ :P Weil das bisschen Englisch da wird doch wohl kein problem sein. Wers nich hinn kriegt sollte Englisch lernen oder selber googlen -.- !! will jetzt keine Namen nennen ge Hussi

Hussi_Thp Offline

Management - Warorga

Beiträge: 408

18.05.2008 17:54
#15 RE: Befehle/Variablen für eure Configs/Console Zitat · Antworten

was willst du? Hab ich gesagt das Emma die Übersetzung machen soll? Ich hab doch geschrieben das ICH mal nach ner deutschen ausgabe davon suchen werde! Also bleib mal cool!

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